The weather has been ‘up and down like a yo-yo’, as they say – with bouts of high wind and dense rain, followed by brilliant sunshine etc…the ambient temperature is very nice at present though.
The Muelle Moorings – usual pic attached, remains relatively buoyant (no pun intended). Recent arrivals have been ‘E PUR SI MOUVE’ crewed by the ??? family and the big catamaran, ‘NUVOLA’.
Rick / ‘NEPTUNIS’ and John & Carolyn / ‘NERISSA’ did a fun sail together mid-week, with ‘NEPTUNIS’ returning home in the afternoon and ‘NERISSA’ anchoring overnight – out from Freddy’s at Hondura Beach (we couldn’t join this time, due to engine seal change-out).
Our new ‘ASR VIBER Group’ (boat owners), proactively initiated by our Sailing Director, Peter Steven, is now seeing a respectable spread of boat bookings coming in now for the 2024 ASR. Be sure to join us for the Philippines longest and still largest annual sailing event November 1-3, 2024. For more information email
Great to see the our SBP kids out practicing and racing hard each Saturday, with our very talented sailors going away for PSA training and selection process (Korea may be coming up I hear in the wind) – big congrats to Peter Stevens and SBP Supervisor, Marvic, and Capt. Tabo acting as SBP Instructor at present.
The live-aboard folks recounted tonight at the R’n’R that they had a really great night at the Club recently (around 15 people there). Toots is also doing Sunday Roast again, at Dulangan nowadays with quite a respectable turn-out last Sunday, but no mint sauce though.
My new boat ‘ALLUSIVE’ is still coming along well in Langkawi, with new anchor bow roller on now to allow room for the new spinnaker bowsprit-prodder. Tons of work to go though (very tight schedule to make the ASR / BPI Signature Series in Nov 2024).
My partner, Louren is plowing right into taking over and re-branding ‘SV COLUMBUS’, with her new venture, ‘OCEAN ADVENTURE CLUB’ ( at ‘Sandbar’, Carlos Garcia & family have gratefully made the mooring concrete blocks (I bought the chain and all fittings from the Club – PhP50.9K), as well as taking care of the administrative side of things, and will lay the mooring, ahead of ALLUSIVE arriving in PG and onto my C2 Mooring – Louren will then move COLUMBUS over to her new Sandbar mooring with the other charter boats there.
Louren is also actively looking for a sailing PARAW to purchase, to complement her new operation this coming high season.
Racing around the world getting interesting in the coming months: ‘8mR world championship’ in Scotland during Aug 2024, ‘J Class’ Regatta in Barcelona with the ‘America’s Cup’ program during Oct 2024 and the America’s Cup – opening ceremony will be held in Barcelona on the 22nd of August 2024. Locally, our PGYC ASR on 1-3 Nov 2024 and start of Season2 BPI Signature Series starts with Corregidor on 14 Nov 2024 (final overall results from BPI Season1 also attached). Going to be a big time and a ton of fun.
That’s all this week folks… JQ