PGYC Easter Regatta

The Easter Regatta at the Puerto Galera Yacht Club is the longest running yachting event in the Philippines. Puerto Galera has hosted a collection of racing yachts, cruising yachts and catamarans every year since the Easter of 1991.
Originally designed simply for some on-water fun for cruising yachts visiting the Philippines at Easter – when many businesses are closed for the Holy Week holiday – the PGYC Easter Regatta has grown into an international yachting event with yachts and crews arriving from nations bordering the West Philippine Sea and the South China Sea, and even coming from across the Pacific and from Down Under.
The PGYC Easter Regatta is a three day event, usually starting on Good Friday and ending on Easter Sunday. The regatta regularly attracts more than 20 yachts in three main classes – racing class, cruising class and mutlihulls.
Over the years the PGYC Easter Regatta has experimented with many different race formats, from: conventional, all-together starts; turn-on-first-turn pursuits; choose-your-start-time-finish-together; and, treasure hunts (with beer-ashore and man-overboard) involving multiple resorts along the various Puerto Galera beaches. What we have found is that the best possible format for maximum fun is the staggered start with everyone finishing together (we hope). It is all about maximum adrenaline throughout the race, which ensures maximum laughter at the race finish.
And at the end of the day, that is what the Puerto Galera Yacht Club aims to deliver: a long weekend of laughter, under a blue sky, with jolly breezes along the Verde Island Passage.
If you have the passion but do not have a yacht of your own then just come along to the yacht club for breakfast on any race day, speak to the race committee and 99% they will find you a ride. If you want to rent a yacht for the event then check out the Charter Yacht page of this website where there are a handful of yachts for rent for the regatta.
visit the gallery page for images from the last PGYC Easter Regatta