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Small Boat Program sailors PGYC

Sailing Courses In the Most Beautiful Bay in the World!

sailing courses Philippines

Puerto Galera offers one of the most beautiful destinations in the World in which to learn to sail, with crystal–clear and warm tropical waters 365–days a year. Light to moderate sailing breezes are almost guaranteed, so students learn to sail faster, gain confidence on the water quicker, achieving greater success and enjoyment. Since 2005, the PGYC has completed well over a thousand sailing courses, in which students learn to sail, using the unique, made–in–Puerto Lawin 2–person sailing dinghy (a slightly modified Olympic–class Mirror) or the single–hander, Olympic–class Optimist sailing dinghy. PGYC can also arrange advanced 'big boat' sailing courses aboard a variety of associated keelboats. Our students come from all around the globe, including Asia and from afar as England, Alaska, Estonia, New Zealand and Australia.

Sailing courses cater for students of all ages (our youngest student has been 7-years old and our eldest so far was 54-years old); and because Puerto Galera is a mecca for all water sports, in–between sailing courses students can go scuba diving, windsurfing, snorkeling, jet skiing, kayaking or simply bask in the beauty of Puerto Galera's mangrove fringed paradise.

Come sail with us today:

Latest News

In September 2023 student Optimist dinghy sailor Ms. Raya Samson was selected to join the Philippine Sailing Team for their international sailing competition in Macau, China.

Optimist dinghy sailor Raya Samson
Raya Samson ready for Macau Regatta

In August 2023 student sailors (12-15 years old) from the PGYC Small Boat Program traveled to the Philippine Sailing Association ("PSA") headquarters in Manila with the prospect of selection for the Philippine Team.

The PGYC student sailors came 1st and 3rd in the Optimist Class and 2nd and 3rd in the Laser 4.7 Class. The performance in the Laser 4.7 Class was perhaps most significant insomuch as the student sailors had only had their first experience on a Laser 4.7 just a few days prior!

Further evidence that learning to sail in Puerto Galera gives you the skills to sail on almost any boat, anywhere.

The PGYC Small Boat Program is funded by donations and profits from the annual All Souls Regatta. It offers sailing lessons to Puerto Galera school children free-of-charge.

The PGYC Small Boat Program needs constant funding for maintenance, replacement equipment, instructor salaries and for safety boats. Do you want to help? Please review our Funding page here.

In February 2023 Team-Puerto Galera - a group of eight PGYC Small Boat Program sailors - traveled to Taal Lake and entered the Philippine Oz-Goose National Championship along with 32 other young sailors from sailing clubs around the country and including from the PSA. Although they had never sailed an Oz-Goose dinghy before the event and with wind gusting up to 20 knots on the water, with just one-day of practice, Team-Puerto Galera sailed away with five of the nine trophies up for grabs, including 1st Overall and 1st Ladies-helm.

This remarkable feat was due to the high-quality of sailing skills learned through the PGYC Small Boat Program - a series of lessons based on RYA sail training programs - skills that can be adapted to all types of boats in all sailing conditions.

Sailing Courses To Learn To Sail

Dinghy Sailing Courses - Beginners & Up

Sailing courses (basic, intermediate and advanced courses) cover three days of full time tuition with maximum time on the water. Sailing courses are supervised by a full–time instructor, safety boat and crew. All safety equipment is provided as part of the course fee.

Sailing Courses Effective February 2025

Dinghy Sailing Courses
3-day Basic Course The Basic Sailing Courses include the theory of sailing; how the wind effects the boat; names of the parts of the boat, sails and rigging; how a sailboat works; practical rigging and derigging of a boat, fitting a lifejacket; safety appraisal; launching and landing; stopping and starting the boat on the water; sailing circles, triangles and sausages; assisted capsize recovery
3-day Intermediate Course The Intermediate Sail Courses include a review and demonstration of a comprehensive understanding of the theory and basic skills of sailing; an introduction to the collision avoidance regulations (COLREGS); rigging and launching the boat unaided; reefing a sail; sailing at all points of sail with emphasis on boat trim and speed; sailing with other dinghies using the COLREGS; righting a capsized boat unaided; man–overboard recovery (unassisted)
3-day Advanced Course Advanced Sailing Courses includes a complete revision or demonstration by the student of the skills and knowledge required of the previous courses; an introduction to the racing rules; how to race, including signals, starting and penalties; practical racing against other dinghies over a variety of courses; sailing with a spinnaker (if conditions permit)

Non–members rates are: adults Php 10,000; under 16s Php 7,000
Reciprocal Club members receive a 10% discount off the Non-Member rates
Members rates are: adults Php 7,000; under 16s Php 5,000

The ‘Learn To Sail’ course fees include: tuition, course notes, personal safety equipment, dinghy hire, safety boat hire on the water at all times and certification
Group and Family discount available on request

Contact the PGYC office today to learn to sail in Puerto Galera

Learn To Sail A Yacht

With mastery of the wind and boat balance gained with a dinghy sailing course you are probably ready to learn to sail a yacht. The Puerto Galera Yacht Club offers sailing courses, providing sufficient knowledge so that you can master a cruising keelboat or catamaran safely.

There is an extensive range of keel yachts and catamarans associated with the Club, with the primary goal of providing a full skill–set to enthusiastic sailors, who graduate from the dinghy sailing course or who are thinking that bigger (than a dinghy) is more fun.

For more information about 'big boat' sailing courses available for learning to sail a yacht please Contact the PGYC office today to Learn to Sail in Puerto Galera:

Sail Training Certficate


Wet Wednesday Sailing Experience

Not sure if you really want to learn to sail? Only in town on a Wednesday (?), then come and join a Wet Wednesday Sailing Experience organized for you by the PGYC. An Afternoon of fun sailing in dinghies in Puerto Galera Bay.

Half–day Wet Wednesday Sailing Experience

Non–Members Php 600

Reciprocal Club members receive a 10% discount off the Non-Member rates

Members Php 480

Meet at PGYC bar 1pm

Call ahead to confirm:

Wet Wednesday Sailing event


Sailing Boat Rental

Are you already an experienced sailor and just want to rent a sailing dinghy for some day-sailing fun on the water?

The Puerto Galera Yacht Club offers a sailing boat rental plan that can be tailored to your needs.

Rental Rate Per 2-hours

  • Members: Lawin Sailing Dinghy 1 or 2 persons
    Php 1,500
  • Non-members: Lawin Sailing Dinghy 1 or 2 persons
    Php 2,000

Minimum two hours per session

Reciprocal Club members welcome (discount offered)

Non-members welcome

Group and Family discount available on request

Contact the PGYC office today for sailing fun in Puerto Galera

Lawin Dinghy


PGYC Small Boat Program

All proceeds earned from sailing lessons, Wet Wednesday sailing and sailing boat rental go towards funding the PGYC Small Boat Program (SBP). The PGYC–SBP, established in 2004, maintains the boats and provides free sailing lessons for all interested Puerto Galera school children. If children want to learn more than just the basics of dinghy sailing then they can continue with advanced lessons for free, provided that they help clean and maintain the boats and equipment.

Since 2004 the PGYC Small Boat Program has trained well over 700 Puerto Galera school children (and hundreds more from outside Puerto Galera) in the basics of the sport of sailing. Some of these sailing course graduates have gone on to represent The Philippines as part of the Philippine Olympic Sailing Team; they have competed at international sailing events in such places as Australia, Ireland, Singapore and Macau.

Puerto Galera school children who started sailing under the PGYC–SBP have gone on to win gold, silver and bronze in national and international competitions; some have found careers on yachts located around the World.

The costs of maintaining the boats is not insignificant. Organizations such as Tricom Projects, Lane Moving and the Round Table in Hong Kong have given generously to the PGYC–SBP as have local businesses, club members and private individuals; proceeds from the annual All Souls Regatta are dedicated to the SBP. If you would like to help, by donating your time, some equipment or cash, then please contact the Club and ask about the current wish-list of the PGYC Small Boat Program:


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